Is vector<int>::const_iterator an output_iterator?
NickName:xmllmx Ask DateTime:2016-12-01T09:56:24

Is vector<int>::const_iterator an output_iterator?

According to the C++ concepts:

Any iterator other than input_iterator is an output_iterator.

A vector<int>::const_iterator is a random_access_iterator, and of course that is an output_iterator.

However, according to, an output_iterator must be writable, while a vector<int>::const_iterator is not.

Is vector<int>::const_iterator an output_iterator?

See also: How to check if an iterator is an output_iterator in c++?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「xmllmx」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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cpplearner 2016-12-01T02:02:54

No. vector<int>::const_iterator is a constant iterator ([container.requirements.general]), which means it does not satisfy the requirements of output iterators. \n\n[iterator.requirements.general]/4:\n\n\n Iterators that further satisfy the requirements of output iterators are called mutable iterators. Nonmutable iterators are referred to as constant iterators.\n\n\n\n\n\n An vector::const_iterator is a random_access_iterator, and of course is an output_iterator.\n\n\nThis is simply wrong.",

Kirill Kobelev 2016-12-01T02:03:40

Look here: Cpp Reference\n\n\n An OutputIterator is an Iterator that can write to the pointed-to\n element.\n",

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